Monday, December 15, 2008

Haiku day 12

The Aquarium
Swimming fish delight Alice
Fur seals flirt with her

On this record breaking coldest day of the year, Alice and I took a bus to the Seattle Aquarium. This is the first time that she has actually taken notice of the animals. She laughed every time a fish moved - which basically meant that she was laughing the entire time.
I think the cold scared everyone else away because we basically had the place to ourselves. Even the seals looked disappointed with their lack of an audience - they did a little swimming dance just for Alice. The volunteers looked desperate to answer questions, so I talked to them about the octopus while Alice splashed in the tide pool. It was a perfect way to spend a freezing Seattle morning.

Here is Alice trying to grab onto the octopus - if only this silly glass wasn't in the way!

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